This is very much what I had started to do, although you have already taken
it further that what I had done.

However I was also lookiing at documentation style. Here are just
a selection of different ways to document a function or method

  =item timeit(COUNT, CODE)
  =item timethis ( COUNT, CODE, [ TITLE, [ STYLE ]] )
  =item expand($type,@things)
  =item rm_f files....
  =item TIEARRAY classname, LIST
  =item set ( NAME => VALUE [, NAME => VALUE ...] )
  =item verify_opset (OPSET, ...)
  =item CLIENT->run()
  =item Net::Ping->new([$proto [, $def_timeout [, $bytes]]]);
  =item C<$checker-E<gt>poderror( @args )>
  =item B<https()>
  =item multipart_init()
  =item set_quote

Not, some with ()'s some not. Some user uppercase anmes, some use real var
names. Some have markup some don't Some have the -> some not, some use
the package name some don't etc....

Note also that some use [] notaion for optional arguments, whereas the
perl documentation in perlfunc uses multiple =item's

Alongside giving consistent APIs I think perl6 should also give consistent
documentation format.


On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 12:48:24PM +0100, Leon Brocard wrote:
> In an effort to avoid organising YAPC::Europe, I went through the 126
> modules with documentation in Perl 5.6.0's lib/ directory and
> documented what kind of interface they provided. Not all of them
> follow perlstyle, and I think perl6's standard libraries should. But
> anyway, here goes...
> BTW I'm not doing too much analysis on this at the moment, and the raw
> text file used to generate this is attached. Anyone?
> Here are a few general notes first:
> IPC::Msg # snd and rcv methods should be send and receive instead
> POSIX # creat? creat? fools!
> Pod::Usage # maybe pod2usage should be pod_to_usage?
> Sys::Syslog # shouldn't this be called Sys::Log?

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