> I don't even want to take things out a step to guarantee atomicity at the
> statement level. There are speed issues there, since it means every
> statement will need to conditionally lock everything. (Since we can't
> necessarily know at compile time which variables are shared and which
> aren't) There are also lock ordering issues, which get us deadlock fun.
> And, of course, let's not forget some of the statements can last a *long*
> time and cause all sorts of fun--eval comes to mind, as do some of the
> funkier regex things.

]- what if we don't use "locks", but multple versions of the same variable
!!! What I have in mind :
 If there is transaction-based variables THEN we can use multiversioning
mechanism like some DB - Interbase for example.
Check here :
just thoughts, i've not read the whole discussion.

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