Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:
>In general, I think this new license is bit more convoluted then it needs 
>be.  I proposal generally the following measures.  I am editing it up 
>and I will post a version of my proposal tommorrow.

I am waiting for this before trying to draw up any proposals
for RFCs.

>First, in a couple of different places, it unnecessarily makes restatements
>of what is already true about copyright law anyway.  For example, saying
>"distribution outside your company or organization" isn't actually
>necessary, and is in a way, problematic.  First, "distribution" is already
>defined by copyright law, so we don't have to be that specific---copies 
>inside a single organization aren't distribution.  Plus, what if it is an
>individual who is redistributing the software?  We likely want to cover all
>different types of distribution.

Unnecessary, but meant for people who didn't know that about
copyright law.  You will find a lot of that in the GPL if you
go looking as well.

>As another example, there is no need to say: "To redistribute, modify, or
>derive from the Package you must satisfy all copyright and license
>obligations on it."  That's already true, by nature of the fact that's a
>copyrighted work.

Ditto, see above.

>Second, I think many of the goals can be reached with much simpler
>language. Chris' point is valid; non-lawyers should be able to read this
>license and be able to understand it.

My tendancy is to be verbose..I think having more people put
input would be a good thing.

>I will modify Ben's version, and will post my draft today or tommorrow
I am looking forward to seeing it.

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