On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 02:44:56PM -0600, John Barnette wrote:
> But why extend the syntax for such a niche application?
>       * POD can be easily converted to XML.
>       * POD can contain XML.
>       * Advanced concepts that POD cannot contain that the XML junkies
>         might want to be used can be embedded. (=for XML)

Now, if I could use POD to get the job done more lazily, but switch to XML
if I needed something more than pod can do (tables more sophisticated than
can be tersely expressed in monospace ASCII being the only one so far)
then I'd be happy. Oh, and my code would be more likely to be documented
full stop than if I had to fight XML.

I speak only for myself here. (oh, and my boss, who thought the same)

Nicholas Clark

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