On Tue, 6 Feb 2001 04:36:36 +1100 (EST), Damian Conway wrote:

>RFC 271 handles this. Your example would be:
>        sub readit {
>            open F, "< $f" ...
>            scalar(<F>)
>        }
>        post readit {
>            close F;
>        }

The connection between these two things is not strikingly obvious. I'd
like it better, if you put the post thing inside the sub readit's
contents. It can even be anonymous.

        sub readit {
            open F, "< $f" ...
            POST {
                close F;

The place where it would be put, would be irrelevant.

        sub readit {
            POST {
                close F;
            open F, "< $f" ...


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