On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 02:18:14PM -0200, Branden wrote:
> I expect Perl 6 will have some way to define its variables as being
> lexical-scoped in the sub they are used as default, either by the language
> default, or by a pragma, as `use scope "subs"; ', as it's proposed in RFC
> 64.

I believe this issue was discussed to death on the mailing list Way
Back When and IIRC the result was "its too much trouble to eliminate
two characters".  There's heaps and heaps of caveats, arbitrary
decisions and conflicts to be resolved about how the auto-lexical
scoping should work.  All this so you don't have to type "use strict"
and the occasional "my".

It reminds me of languages which don't need an end-of-statement
terminator.  Seems like a good idea, until you realize that this:

        print 1 + 2 +
              3 + 4

is correct and this

        print 1 + 2
              + 3 + 4

is a syntax error.  Is it really worth adding that sort of madness to
save one character-per-line?

Anyhow, I could be completely wrong about how the discussion turned
out.  Check the archives.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Don't worry, baby, my wrath can be pretty groovy.

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