At 01:44 PM 2/8/2001 -0200, Branden wrote:
>Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 12:07:18PM -0200, Branden wrote:
> > > The issue is actually not auto-downloading modules and their
> > > but actually packaging several scripts and modules in one file, so as
> > > jar do. I think supporting this would be neat.
> >
> > I thought about making a "par" utility.  It would basically do this:
> >
> >         # for each module needed...
> >         perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=foo LIB=foo/lib
> >         make test
> >         make install
> >
> > Then you just stick your program into foo/bin or something and tar it
> > all up and ship it off.  The "pun" utility (I couldn't resist) then
> > untars the thing and runs "perl -Ifoo/lib foo/bin/whatever.plx".
>That's what I was talking about.

I'm not sure this is all necessary. Wouldn't we be reasonably better off if 
we instead just shipped off bytecode compiled versions of the scripts? 
Seems easier to ship that way than as an archive of stuff. (We can, if its 
deemed useful, define the bytecode format in a way that allows us to 
package up versions of modules that can be optionally loaded from the main 
perl install instead)

Seems simpler, and it also means you can, at the time the program is 
initally compiled, crank up the optimization level a lot so you're handing 
out the fastest version of your code you can.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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