On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 05:19:22PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> At the moment I'm leaning toward ^ for concat, and ~ for xor.  That
> will help with ^= not resembling =~, though ~= would still mean The
> Wrong Thing...

As has been mentioned by others, ^ has established meaning in other
programming languages (and current perl) as XOR.  It'd be a shame to
break that to get dotted object method/attribute access.

Why do we *need* a concatenation operator at all?  We already have
several methods to accomplish the same thing:

        join '', $var1, $var2;

Or are we really trying to optimize it so that we don't have to write

        map { "$_$foo" } @arr;          # or the equivalent for loop

but instead

        @arr . $foo;

but wait ... everything is an object in perl6, so that could be

        @arr.concat($foo);              # or something

Is concatenation really so important that we keep it around and not
only that, but break other things to keep it around?

(Obviously I think using . for objects is important enough to break

Jonathan Scott Duff

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