At 11:28 AM 25/04/2001 -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
>well, the real goal is persistancy, so how about this idea?
>instead of using Data::Dumper and cousins to stringify a structure,
>write it out and parse it back in, we provide a module which copies and
>converts a structure to an area and converts all of its pointers to
>offsets. then that can be written out in one binary chunk. reading it
>back in and converting back to real pointers will be much simpler and
>faster than any string parser... [snip]

Well, the problem I see is when you have many different objects and you 
would like to have views of that system. For example, suppose object A has 
references to B and C, and that object D has references to B and C. If A, B 
and C are in the same AREA so that they can be serialized together as one, 
serializing D would be a problem, since probably A would go together with B 
and C or the AREA structure would have to be disassembled.

I think we could use this to implement every structure (scalar, string, 
array, hash) in a contiguous memory area, using offsets to point to 
internal data, so that each separate object, like A, B or C, could be taked 
from memory and saved to a stream. Reading the stream and placing the read 
data into the memory, whatever position in memory it would be, would 
re-assemble the structure correctly.

This could be done on a per-vtable base. For example, if we add 
SERIALIZE/DESERIALIZE entries on vtables, objects that implement their 
internal structure with contiguous allocated areas independent of initial 
position in memory, could implement SERIALIZE and DESERIALIZE trivially by 
only writing this memory area to a stream and by reading some bytes from a 
stream and placing it somewhere in the memory, all offsets would work as 

OTOH, vtables that need to use split memory areas or that make reference to 
external objects, could have customized SERIALIZE and DESERIALIZE methods 
to handle their complexities and details.

- Branden

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