At 01:52 PM 25/04/2001 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>Seriously, I don't see why this should be a scary thing. So, the opcode 
>table's extendable. So what? It'll make language X mode simpler, for some 
>value of X, if that language can load in its own set of extended opcodes. 
>Perhaps someone'll want to do functional programming with the Parrot 
>runtime, and it makes the most sense from a speed and parser simplicity 
>standpoint to treat certain activities as atomic things and emit a single 
>bytecode for them. Extending the opcode table makes sense there.

I agree, although I would argue that for functional programming you don't 
need anything but Perl:  (by MJD).

Anyway, I would say opcode extendability should be analysed with a ROI 
optics, because I really don't know if having new opcodes (instead of 
faking them with subs -- if we have appropriate ways of locking & 
synchronizing thread data) would be really necessary.

- Branden

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