On Tue, 31 Jan 2017 08:21:34 -0800, jn...@jnthn.net wrote:
> It golfs further still, it seems. This one also blows up:
> grammar Grammar::Foo {
>     token TOP {
>         'z' | :i <[0..9]> ** 4
>     }
>    }
> my $res = Grammar::Foo.parse( '2603' );
> And is fixed by the removal of the :i, so that's likely playing a
> role. Will dig further.

Fixed and covered by tests in S05-metasyntax/longest-alternative.t. The SEGV 
was due to a lack of validation during NFA construction; fixing that turned it 
into an error, which was in turn fixed by correcting a bug in the regex to NFA 
compiler that left a dangling edge. The additional validation caught a second 
bug, which is also fixed and now spectest covered in the same file.

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