The correct way to do this is any(5,"flarg") ~~ 5. ~~ is very tolerant. I
think it's generally considered a bug anytime ~~ throws an exception
because of invalid LHS. IMO any() junctions should propagate exceptions
regardless of whether one of its other values succeeded.

I tried to think of how I could use a particular comparison operator with a
junction and have it not throw exceptions but it didn't work:

any(5,"flarg") ~~ { try $_ == 5 }

I guess  bare blocks don't autothread because $_ is Mu, but I would have
thought ACCEPTS on Code would autothread but it seems it's also Mu (could
we change this?).

The best I can do is the rather hairy:

say so any(5,"flarg") ~~ -> Any $_ { try $_ == 5 }

which also throws some "useless use of" exception for some reason :\

On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 3:28 AM Zoffix Znet via RT <> wrote:

And if you just give a Failure into a Junction it doesn't explode it and
propagates it:

    m: say so any("flarg",42)».Numeric
    rakudo-moar 15a25d: OUTPUT: «True␤»

    m: say sub ($_) { .^name }( +any("flarg",42) )
    rakudo-moar 15a25d: OUTPUT: «any(Failure, Int)␤»

Wonder if there's a way to make it handle exceptions too somehow. A sort of
Junctionized `try` block

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