Just started work on getting perl6-debug to work again.

Some help:

There is a commit to rakudo-debug - pmurias <https://github.com/pmurias> committed on 26 Mar

This is about the time the debugger went AWOL. So I thought to reverse the commit locally to verify.

But I'm having a problem getting the local version to work.

I used rakudobrew to set up my system.

I tried to change perl6-debug.nqp in a subdirectory of .rakudobrew/moar-nom

The change went through, but the executable (perl6-debug-m) was not changed in .rakudobrew/bin

It seems the executable in .rakudobrew/bin is a complex script and is different from the executable in .rakudobrew/moar-nom

Is there some documentation about the build process?

Or how do I get an executable in the form in .rakudobrew/bin

No need for a full description, just some clues that I can work on.

I am working through the Makefile in .rakudobrew/moar-nom, but it is not simple.



On Wednesday, June 07, 2017 06:12 PM, Zoffix Znet via RT wrote:
On Tue, 06 Jun 2017 19:50:32 -0700, rnhainswo...@gmail.com wrote:
I would like to work on perl6-debug. But where to start?

I am daunted by the prospect.

Some questions - hopefully easy to answer.

1) In earlier updates there was a perl6-debug executable. Was this
a link to perl6-debug-m?
Most likely.

2) perl6-debug worked before, and then stopped working. You said
'bit-rotted'. I would think that it would help to discover at what
the debug version stopped working and then to look at the commits to
what changed. That would narrow down what needs modifying.

Do you think this is a good strategy?
Maybe. It broke around slang rework (around 2017.02-2017.03 releases).

On our dev IRC channel ( https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#perl6-dev )
we have a bisectable bot ( 
https://github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Bisectable )
that can take a chunk of code and tell you when its output changed.

perl6-debug-m currently dies with this error. Hunting what's causing it is a 
good start:

Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu
Cannot find method 'named' on object of type NQPMu

More difficult questions, but you may know answer.

3) Why is it not possible to arrange for a break inside a module?
No idea. Never used perl6-debug-m

I realise it is because modules are 'pre-compiled', but is there a way
either (1) to prevent pre-compilation
Yes, use `no precompilation` pragma.

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