On Tue, 05 Sep 2017 03:21:07 -0700, zef...@fysh.org wrote:
> Brian S. Julin via RT wrote:
> >It is that Nil is also semantically special as a RHS of an assignment
> >or as a parameter.
> ...
> >This is mentioned in S02.
> Some of the specialness mentioned in S02 doesn't happen, such as .ACCEPTS
> returning Nil, and getting the default value of an optional parameter.
> Those issues probably don't change the logic of this ticket, though.
> >Set, as of right now, cannot be parameterized so you only get to see
> >the Any case there.
> False analogy.  The intentional behaviour of the Array is that (by
> default) it contains a bunch of Scalar containers, and it is those
> containers that (by default) have the funny treatment of Nil.  Set, otoh,
> doesn't overtly involve any Scalar containers, and in fact immutability
> is an advertised feature.  So there's no API reason to import Scalar's
> behaviour around Nil.
> >Or philosphically, Per S02, Nil 'means "there is no value here"',
> And yet Nil is a reified object, and so very much *is* a value that
> is here.  It may indicate the absence of a value in some higher-level
> protocol in which Nil is not a relevant value.  But down here in the
> base language Nil is a visible object.
> >so having a set that contains it as an element is incongruous.
> Again, that may be so in some higher-level situation in which Nil is not
> a value of interest.  If you're expecting a set of Ints then getting a
> set containing Nil would be incongruous.  But where Nil is a value, it
> would be incongruous to be unable to put it in a set.  It's literally an
> axiom of set theory that for every object there exists a set containing
> that object.  (Note that you need a set theory that includes urelements,
> to match the Perl 6 situation.)
> >If there is a compelling use-case for allowing Nil in a Set,
> I find the intrinsic concept of the set to be pretty compelling.
> >probably require using set() rather than Set.new() as we can
> >call that a literal.
> I don't follow this argument.  There doesn't seem to be any rule against
> .new() methods accepting a Nil argument as Nil:
> > Pair.new("foo", Nil).value.WHICH
> Nil|U15269208
> Trying things out now, I see that the behaviour of the test cases with
> which I started this ticket has changed, and that currently set()
> and Set.new() do actually behave differently.  (In the original bug
> report I didn't distinguish between set() and Set.new(), not seeing any
> difference.)  set() now accepts a Nil element, and Set.new() accepts Nil
> as a sole argument; the substitution of Any now happens only for Set.new()
> and only when there's at least one other argument:
> > set(Nil)
> set(Nil)
> > set(3,Nil)
> set(3 Nil)
> > set(Nil,Nil)
> set(Nil)
> > Set.new(Nil)
> set(Nil)
> > Set.new(3,Nil)
> set((Any) 3)
> > Set.new(Nil,Nil)
> set((Any))
> That's pretty weird.  The subject line of this ticket still seems
> applicable.
> >                       you'll note List.new wont transcribe
> >Nil either.
> That looks like a separate bug.
> -zefram

OK, I can see your argument for the difference between Set and Array here.

Also, having now had a look at the current implementation I cannot argue with
confidence that it's "that way for a reason."  I'd suggest some core people
have a lively alcohol-fueled discussion about which of set(),
Set.new(), and List.new() should have an "is raw" added to their candidates,
or work directly on a Capture.

Syntactically it may not be possible to get some reified objects into
a set's keys through normal means.  What syntax would we use to get Empty into
a Set, for example?

I'd just offer that some reified objects in Perl6 come with attached syntax-like
behaviors, though perhaps in the specific case of Nil this ticket may be a
reasonable ask... apparently it does seem to be comfortable in object hash keys.

But for things like Empty, we'd need some special constructor, and depending
on what Nil is *supposed* to do when passed into slurpies and what flavors of
slurpy let set() and Set.new() behave sanely (?), Nil might, too.
Considering Nil's default-finding behavior seems to have never been implemented,
I'm less sure the answer to that has been thoroughly pondered.

As to the set-theory argument, I don't get the feeling Perl6 is aiming for a
pure-FP level of calculus, and I don't think it is necessarily true that there
is a "base language" which prevents Perl6 from using reified objects as means
to implement what would otherwise be done with syntax when that is an efficient
way to do things, just to adhere to a theoretical principle.  The closest we
have to a base language is the types that have to BOOTSTRAP, and Set isn't one
of them.

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