On Wed, 21 Oct 2015 22:08:47 -0700, sml...@gmail.com wrote:
> This compiles and runs fine:
> class A::B { ... };
> say A::B.new;
> class A::B {
>     has $.a = 42
> };
> But this fails to compile:
> class X::B { ... };
> say X::B.new;
> class X::B {
>     has $.a = 42
> };
> The error message is:
> The following packages were stubbed but not defined:
>     X::B
> Same issue when it's called Grammar::B, Int::B, etc. - apparently any
> compound class name that starts with an existing namespace, runs into
> this problem.
> ---
> (perl6 version 2015.09-433-g26617f9 built on MoarVM version 2015.09-
> 79-gee9fc2b)

Seems fixed now.  Tests added in roast commit 6e5180e96, so resolving.

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