# New Ticket Created by  David Lowe 
# Please include the string:  [perl #132226]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132226 >

This program dies after a short but inconsistent run:

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

use v6.c;

await (^12).map: {
   start {
      for (^100) {
         with %(:obj(%(:i(1)))) -> (:$obj) {
            ENTER { $obj<i> }

... the exception is:

    Cannot resolve caller postcircumfix:<{ }>(Mu, Str); none of these
signatures match:
        (\SELF, \key)
        (\SELF, \key, Mu \ASSIGN)
        (\SELF, \key, Mu :$BIND! is raw)
        (\SELF, \key, :$delete!, *%other)
        (\SELF, \key, :$exists!, *%other)
        (\SELF, \key, :$kv!, *%other)
        (\SELF, \key, :$p!, *%other)
        (\SELF, \key, :$k!, *%other)
        (\SELF, \key, :$v!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Iterable \key)
        (\SELF, Iterable \key, Mu \ASSIGN)
        (\SELF, Iterable \key, :$BIND!)
        (\SELF, Iterable \key, :$delete!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Iterable \key, :$exists!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Iterable \key, :$kv!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Iterable \key, :$p!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Iterable \key, :$k!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Iterable \key, :$v!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Whatever)
        (\SELF, Whatever, Mu \ASSIGN)
        (\SELF, Whatever, :$BIND!)
        (\SELF, Whatever, :$delete!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Whatever, :$exists!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Whatever, :$kv!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Whatever, :$p!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Whatever, :$k!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Whatever, :$p!, *%other)
        (\SELF, Whatever, :$v!, *%other)
        (\SELF, :$BIND!)
        (\SELF, :$delete!, *%other)
        (\SELF, :$exists!, *%other)
        (\SELF, :$kv!, *%other)
        (\SELF, :$p!, *%other)
        (\SELF, :$k!, *%other)
        (\SELF, :$p!, *%other)
        (\SELF, :$v!, *%other)
        (\SELF, *%other)
      in block  at ./bug2 line 9
      in block  at ./bug2 line 8

... which seems to indicate that $device is undefined in the ENTER phaser,
which *appears* to be impossible (and never happens if there's only a
single thread, meaning there's presumably a race of some kind.)

More information:

$ perl6 --version
This is Rakudo version 2017.09 built on MoarVM version 2017.09.1
implementing Perl 6.c.

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