Still reproducible (2017.11, HEAD(5929887)).

However, I'm wondering if it should be fixed at all. If I get it right, the
tickets wants the thing to be roundtrippable, but what about cases like:

my $a = Mu but role { method blah { 42 } };
say $a.blah; say $a.perl


Do we really want it to dump the source? Or am I misunderstanding something?

On 2015-09-18 12:09:19, wrote:
> $ ./perl6 -e 'my $a = Mu but True; say $a.WHICH; say $a.perl; my $b =
> $a.perl.EVAL'
> Mu+{<anon>}
> Mu+{<anon>}
> X::Multi::NoMatch exception produced no message
> in block <unit> at EVAL_0:1
> in block <unit> at -e:1
> The .perl method uses the same text that .WHICH does to distinguish Mu
> but True from a mundane Mu. This text parses as Perl code, but is not
> correct for .perl's purpose and will not execute. The same happens
> with
> a bunch of other types modified by but.
> -zefram

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