Damian Conway wrote:

> Simon observed:
>    > On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 03:30:07PM -0700, Dave Storrs wrote:
>    > >        - A while ago, someone suggested that the word 'has' be an alias
>    > > for 'is', so that when you roll your own properties, you could write
>    > > more-grammatically-correct statements such as "my $var has
>    > > Colors(3)".  Since 'are' is being considered as a synonym, is there a
>    > > possibility that 'has' will make it too?
>    > 
>    > It would be disappointing if a substantial proportion of the built-in
>    > keywords were merely syntactic sugar for each other. is|are|has|: seem
>    > like far too many ways to express exactly the same concept.
> I agree. However, we envisage that the Perl 6 parser itself will be
> highly mutable and comparatively painless to mutate, so it should be
> easy to set up modules that create as many synonyms as you feel are
> needed/necessary/required/essential/requisite/demanded/called for.
> Indeed even in Perl 5 it would not be hard to write a module that let you:
>       use Keyword::Synonym 'are' => 'is', 'mv' => 'rename', 'become' => '=';
> Hmmmm. ;-)
> Damian

now we can all be linguists!

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