On Sat, 11 Mar 2017 03:02:39 -0800, elizabeth wrote:
> $ 6 'my $a = 0; ($a++,) Zxx 42; say $a’
> 0
> $ 6 'my $a = 0; ($a++,) Xxx 42; say $a’
> 0
> Before https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/1754dc5f7e , this would
> have yielded 42 in both cases.  However, this was a side-effect (pun
> intended) of thunk xx 42 being eager internally.  Since this commit,
> it is no longer, and this case the inner thunk does not get called
> when in a sink context.
> This *could* be a bug, but I’m not sure.  Since the commit made 4
> spectests that assume the old behaviour fail, it seemed wise to make a
> ticket before fudging the tests.
> Please close this bug report if it’s not a bug, and remove/adapt the
> associated tests.

Tests unfudged with roast commit 6e56c434f46dbb67f5c

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