On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 08:08:40PM +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 12:55:55PM -0400, Stephen P. Potter wrote:
> > Atoms- Unicode.  If everything is Unicode, you're going to have to grok
> > Unicode (at least tangentally) to be able to use perl.
> Bah. Rubbish, no more than you need to grok Unicode to use Perl 5.6.
> Do you know what data of yours 5.6 is storing in Unicode? No.
> Do you care? No. Do you need to? No.

One of the big selling points about Java is that it's always use
Unicode natively from day 1, yet I've never seen a "Unicode Primer
for programmers starting out with Java" book/site/article/paper/certification.

Unicode is just *there*.  Much like oxygen and nitrogen.

The tangential deviation necessary to grok unicode to use Perl is
perhaps .01 degrees away from the previous learning curve.  Using
Perl to grok Unicode is a little different.  :-)


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