Hi Theo,

You probably cannot use a grammar rule to change a dynamic variable (unless
you include some action code into the rule), I agree, but I think you can
use an action method attached to a rule to do it. I have actually done it
recently in a real $work grammar that I intend to present at The Perl
Conference in Glasgow in two weeks from now. Your use case and mine are
admittedly very different, but it seems to me that they are syntactically
very similar.

As an alternative, you could use an action object with an attribute (a
mutable attribute, *is rw*) for the mode. Basically, you instantiate an
object of the actions class (with the desired attribute set to the proper
initial mode at object creation), and then pass the object instead of the
class to the grammar when calling the *parse* method. It should be easy
then to modify the attribute as needed. This is perhaps slightly cleaner
than using a dynamic variable.

I hope this helps.

2018-08-01 21:21 GMT+02:00 Theo van den Heuvel <vdheu...@heuvelhlt.nl>:

> Hi Laurent,
> dynamic variables were my first attempt (see original post). The problem
> as I see it,
> but I may well be mistaken, is that I cannot use the grammar rule to
> change the variable, e.g,
> switching it on before and off after handling the item in question, Sum in
> my example, and use that in my action class,
> because these actions take place later.
> Best,
> Theo
> Laurent Rosenfeld schreef op 2018-08-01 20:57:
>> Theo,
>> if you define a dynamic variable (with the * twigil, for example
>> $*mode)) in the section of the code right before calling the parse (or
>> equivalent) method, then your actions class should be able to read it
>> and to modify it when needed. Then, it is a matter of defining your
>> action methods to do different things depending on the value of that
>> dynamic variable, and to change that variable value depending on the
>> result of the parsing.
>> Best,
>> Laurent.
>> 2018-08-01 20:29 GMT+02:00 Theo van den Heuvel
>> <vdheu...@heuvelhlt.nl>:
>> Hi Laurent,
>>> yes I have, but the mode switching is supposed to happen
>>> mid-parsing. I hope to avoid having to interrupt the parse, because
>>> picking up after a subparse is going to be hard.
>>> I was looking for a way to communicate a change of mode with the
>>> action class, but:
>>> a) I don't think there is a way to make the grammar parameter
>>> visible to the action class. At least, I can't think of one.
>>> b) the relation between rule X in the grammar and method X in the
>>> action class is hiding within the engine.
>>> c) loosely formulated grammar and action handling don't seem to
>>> share a timeline.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Laurent Rosenfeld schreef op 2018-08-01 19:57:
>>> Hi Theo,
>>> have you considered using only one grammar but simply calling it
>>> with
>>> two different actions classes as a parameter depending on the mode
>>> you
>>> want to use?
>>> 2018-08-01 16:41 GMT+02:00 Theo van den Heuvel
>>> <vdheu...@heuvelhlt.nl>:
>>> Hi Perl6-people,
>>> I am looking for some inspiration. I am working with a grammar that
>>> I would like to have operate in two different modes.
>>> In both modes the rules are identical, but the methods should behave
>>> differently. There are probably better ways to do this than I can
>>> think of at this point.
>>> As an illustration (not the actual problem), say we want to proces
>>> arithmetical expressions in two modes: normally we just copy the
>>> input, but within a pair of braces we directly calculate the result.
>>> grammar actions are easy to write per mode, but the combination is
>>> harder.
>>> In our example we would like to convert "{3 + 5} + {2 -1}" into "8 +
>>> 1". In my original case the grammar is large.
>>> So far, I have considered the following ideas:
>>> - using a parameter on the grammar rules
>>> - meddling with the AST
>>> - using a dynamic variable (but actions are performed later)
>>> - using the actions method (I don't see how I could use that here)
>>> One way to get this done is by combining the first two ideas:
>>> grammar Sum {
>>> token TOP { ^ <Sum: 0> $ }
>>> rule Sum($p) { <Expr>+ % <op> <flag>**{$p}}
>>> rule Expr { <num> | '[' ~ ']' <Sum: 1> }
>>> token op { <[-+]> }
>>> token num { \d+ }
>>> token flag { <?> }
>>> }
>>> The presence of the flag is the clue for the actions.
>>> This is less than satisfactory because we would have to pass on the
>>> parameter to all non-terminals.
>>> Can anyone think of a better way to do this?
>>> thanks,
>>> --
>>> Theo van den Heuvel
>> --
>> Theo van den Heuvel
>> Van den Heuvel HLT Consultancy
> --
> Theo van den Heuvel
> Van den Heuvel HLT Consultancy

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