On 09/10/2018 08:15 AM, Ralph Mellor wrote:
Hi Todd,

    What are the rules for what goes inside and what goes outside?

    Also, do y have a link to what the various ":x" commands are that I
    can use?

See https://docs.perl6.org/language/regexes#Adverbs

The first section explains the two types of "adverb".
"regex adverbs" like `:i` can go either outside or inside.
"match adverbs" like `:g` can only go outside.

The sections that follow the intro cover all the regex and match adverbs.

    I generally prefer to use "contains", "starts-with", and "ends-with"
    the string is full of trash that regex needs to escape.

Me too because it runs much quicker and reads a bit more clearly imo.


Thank you!

I think is it a right of passage for a perl programmer
when he finally understands regex's

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