Short answer: if you look up "perl 6 design specification" in any search
engine (Google or Baidu) the 3-4 first results make sense.
Long answer: it's a bit more complicated than that.
First, there's the synopsis: (first result in Baidu) Those are the initial guidelines that specify the
language, the core modules, and the behavior of everything. That's the
starting point.
Then, there's roast: Roast is rather ROAST,
"Repository of All Spec Tests". Those are the tests that a compiler or
interpreter must pass if it wants to be called Perl 6. So far, only Rakudo
passes those tests.
And then, of course, there's Rakudo. There are some user-accessible classes
and modules that you can use, but they are not part of the language itself,
only part of the only language compiler existing for the time being.

Hope this helps


El mar., 11 sept. 2018 a las 10:04, ToddAndMargo (<>)

> Hi All,
> Is the Perl 6 design specification (the one the developers use)
> out there somewhere on the web that I could look at?
> Many thanks,
> -T


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