On 09/11/2018 03:09 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
multi method contains(Str:D: Cool:D $needle, Int(Cool:D) $pos)

Okay, I know that
    Str is a string
    Cool is an object that can be treated as both a string and a number
    $needle is the second optional parameter

What is "D"?

$needle is optional, why is it not stated as "$needle?"

How is both Str:D: and Cool:D the first parameter?

Why does "Str:D:" have a colon on the end and "Cool:D" does not?

What is Int(Cool:D) ?

What is $pos ?

Where is it stated that it has a return a value?

Where is it state that the return value is a boolean?

Yours in confusion,

First off, I band the heck out of "contains" all over my code.
I know how it works.  What I don't know is how the documentation
got there.

Okay I am making progress.

"multi method contains" means that it is a "method" (.foo).
Perl 6 has "methods" `.foo` and subroutines `sub foo(...){...}`

"Str:D" means it reads a string Str.contains(...) and
that the string is mandatory (constrained).

Okay, foul!
   Str:D: Cool:D $needle
why is there not a comma between "Str:D:" and "Cool:D"?
And what is with the extra ":".  By chance is the extra ":"
a confusing way of using a comma for a separator?

"Cool:D $needle" means that sub string or number you are
looking for.  And it is constrained.  You must enter a value.

Foul again!
   Int(Cool:D) $pos
Why "Int(Cool:D)"?  Why is type Int being redefined
as type "Cool" (number or any type or a string).

$pos is the starting position to check for a match,
start at zero.

$pos is optional.  But there is a "D" in its definition
making it constrained and not optional.

And another foul!
There is no stating what the return value is.  It
should be of single value of type Bool.

I am getting there.  Thank you all for the help.


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