On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 6:47 PM ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com <mailto:toddandma...@zoho.com>> wrote:

    Hi All,

    Can a method be given multiple inputs?

          ( $a, $b ).foo

    and how would the docs write it?

          method foo(Any:D Any:D:  -->Bool)

    Is there a comma or a space between the two "any"'s?

    Many thanks,

On 09/14/2018 03:52 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
In that case, you're not giving it two items; you are giving it a single List that happens to have two items within it. A method has one invocant. If you are invoking method foo on that, its invocant is a List.

 > my $a; my $b; say ($a, $b).^name

Makes sense.  () turns it into a "List" so it
can be passed as one.

Thank you!

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