On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 8:14 PM ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com <mailto:toddandma...@zoho.com>> wrote:

    Hi All,

    I use postcircumfix [] all the time.  But I don't
    understand the documentation.


    would someone please explain what the crypto line means:

    sub postcircumfix:<[ ]>(@container, **@index,
                              :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$exists, :$delete)

    1  Why the <[]>?  I have always used [] with out the <>.
         Why would I want to use one over the other?

    2)  Where does it state that the <> is optional?

    3)  What is a **@?  *@ is a slurp all remaining.   A
          super duper slurp?

    4)  What is :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$exists, :$delete
          and where are they defined?

    5)  Why does :$k, :$v, :$kv, :$p, :$exists, :$delete
          have colons in front of them?

    6)  Where is the --> return described?

    Yours in confusion,

On 10/2/18 5:20 PM, Curt Tilmes wrote:
Remember within the few days people sent you links to read more about signatures?  Go read them, then re-ask any remaining questions.

I can cut/paste bits from them them under each of your questions, but it would really be better for you to just read the existing docs and try to understand signatures more holistically.

and some videos:

Not to put the cart before the horse, having not read those
references yet, but did the crypto line forget the --> return?

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