
How do I properly write a link to a module in a POD documentation? Actually, 
the question is even more complex as it might be both a module and a .pod.

The documentation (https://docs.perl6.org/language/pod) isn't clear on this 
subject. When it comes to `L<>` docs are mostly focused on URL or intra-page 
links. Well, of course I can pre-generate .md and link to a github page. But 
hoping that at some point the modules site will gain functionality similar to 
metacpan and will be able to display embedded PODs as pages I'd like to keep 
this in mind and do things correctly from the start. Besides, by linking to 
github I would also have to always keep in mind updating links to have them 
pointing at the correct module version which might be problematic with a big 
number of links.

BTW, neither I found a way to generate different content for different output 

Best regards,
Vadim Belman

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