> On Aug 1, 2019, at 10:49 PM, William Michels via perl6-users 
> <perl6-us...@perl.org> wrote:
> Hi Richard, I'm trying to figure out when the parentheses in 'lines()'
> can be dropped, and 'lines' used instead. Any pointers?


Parens will be required when `lines` is a sub call (as opposed `.lines` method 
call), and you have `if` or `for` to the left of `lines`, and an opening curly 
brace to the right of `lines`.
I think this is because Perl 6's single-pass parser sees a subroutine followed 
by a block, and since blocks *can* be an argument to a block (as in `my @a = 
map { $_ + 42 }, @b;` where `map` gets the two arguments of Codeblock and 
Array), the `lines` sub *does* get the block as its first argument. That leaves 
no block for the `if` or `for`, which is clearly an error, that gets reported 
to you as *two* errors because the parser recognizes the probable cause:
        Function 'lines' needs parens to avoid gobbling block
        Missing block (apparently claimed by 'lines')

From "Perl 6 Fundamentals: A Primer with Examples, Projects, and Case Studies" 
By Moritz Lenz
( and also from 
https://perlgeek.de/blog-en/perl-6/2017-004-book-perl6-review.html )

        One case worth noting is that if you call a subroutine without 
arguments as the block of an if condition or a for loop (or similar 
constructs), you have to include the parentheses, because otherwise the block 
is parsed as an argument to the function.

                sub random-choice() {

                # right way:
                if random-choice() {
                        say 'You were lucky.';

                # wrong way:
                if random-choice {
                        say 'You were lucky.';

        If you do happen to make this mistake, the Perl 6 compiler tries very 
hard to detect it. In the example above, it says

                Function 'random-choice' needs parens to avoid gobbling block

        and when it tries to parse the block for the if-statement, it doesn't 
find one:

                Missing block (apparently claimed by 'random-choice')

Hope this helps,
Bruce Gray (Util of PerlMonks)

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