> On Aug 9, 2019, at 9:34 AM, Marc Chantreux <e...@phear.org> wrote:
> hello people,

Hi Marc!

> AÀM (Appel À Mousser) is the monthly social event of the Strasbourg(fr)
> LUG. the dates of those meetings are scheduled by an algorithm
> implemented in aam_dates_of_year (line 6).
> Now i would like to show 25 AAM dates staring from 2019-01. line 14
> works fine but is too long. i really would have those dates be read
> as a simple list.
> i wrote the line 18 (so i tought ) but when i want to get the 2 next
> dates, i have the dates for the 2 next years. it seems .flat is ignored
> and i don't know why.
> any help on it ?
>  18   my @future_aams =
>  19     lazy gather for 2019..∞ { take .&aam_dates_of_year };
>  20   
>  21   @future_aams.flat.head(1)>>.say;

Short answer: Add `flat` before `lazy in line 19, and remove `.flat` from line 
21. Like so:
    my @future_aams =
        flat lazy gather for 2019..∞ { take .&aam_dates_of_year };


Medium answer: In refactoring line 14, you moved from .flat on a List to .flat 
on an Array.
List and Array do not treat `.flat` the same way. E.g.:
$ perl6 -e 'say (<a b>, <c>).flat.elems'
$ perl6 -e 'say [<a b>, <c>].flat.elems'

Full answer coming when time allows. For such a small fix, it was surprisingly 
effortful to figure out.
See https://docs.perl6.org/language/list#Itemization

Hope this helps,
Bruce Gray (Util of PerlMonks)

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