Hi All,

C:\NtUtil>perl6 -v
This is Rakudo Star version 2019.03.1 built on MoarVM
version 2019.03 implementing Perl 6.d for Windows

What am I doing wrong here?

unit module WinVer;
# WinVer.pm6

sub WinVer() is export( :WinVer ) {
      Reference: https://www.gaijin.at/en/infos/windows-version-numbers

      Return a string with the name of the Windows version:


   my %Ver = (
      "5.10"       => "Windows XP",
      "6.10"       => "Windows 7",
      "6.20"       => "Windows 8",
      "6.30"       => "Windows 8.1",
      "10.0.10240" => "Windows 10-1507",
      "10.0.10586" => "Windows 10-1511",
      "10.0.14393" => "Windows 10-1607",
      "10.0.16299" => "Windows 10-1709",
      "10.0.17134" => "Windows 10-1803",
      "10.0.17763" => "Windows 10-1607",
      "10.0.18362" => "Windows 10-1903",
      "10.0.18363" => "Windows 10-1909" );

   my Str $RtnStr;
   my Str $Version;

   say %Ver;
   # $RtnStr = qx ( ver );
   # for %Ver -> $Key  {
   #    say $Key;
   # }


C:\NtUtil>perl6 -e "use lib 'C:\NtUtil'; use WinVer :WinVer; WinVer;"

WARNINGS for -e:
Useless use of constant value WinVer in sink context (line 1)

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