On 2019-12-09 01:52, JJ Merelo wrote:

El lun., 9 dic. 2019 a las 10:34, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users (<perl6-us...@perl.org <mailto:perl6-us...@perl.org>>) escribió:

    On 2019-12-09 00:33, JJ Merelo wrote:
     > The Raku community has got a community documentation. It's called
     > official documentation, and it's done by the community. You want to
     > write your own and help yourself and maybe others, there're lots lof
     > places you can do that: dev.to <http://dev.to> <http://dev.to>,
    Medium, your own blog.
     > Even the "official" Raku Advent Calendar or your very own.

    Spoken by a true guard dog!  :-)

If I'm a dog, I choose to be a Lab. Mr. Peanutbutter Lab, if anyone asks.

    I am speaking of a way to possibly get everyone in
    on the act.  And make it official to the Raku site.

You mean, as in an "official documentation"? Well, there's this thing unimaginatively called "official documentation" at https://docs.raku.org. Lots of people are volunteering to make it better every single day. It's not everything to everyone, and it can't possibly be. But there are other places you can look at, like tutorials, and the whole wide Internet. To which you can contribute, if you so like.




The "Community" you speak of it a collection of extremely
brilliant programmers.  I will call them the "Community
of Developers".  They are badly overworked and have
prioritized what they can volunteer for.  Because
of this, the documentation takes are real hit: its
would make a cryptologist blush and the IEEE extremely

Your job as a Peanutbutter Lab (junkyard dog) is to
protect them from frivolous input from the likes of,
well, me.

The community I am speaking of is the the rest of us,
which I will call the Rakoons.  This does include the
"Community of Developers" but mainly its includes all
Raku programmers interested in making Raku's documentation

And it included a request list, so things would be
prioritized by need.  You might even have an automatic
mailing go our to Rakoon volunteers to pick up such

My Grand Idea would be a real boom for us Rakoons.
I can tell it is already driving you nuts.  With
love and understanding and a few dog biscuits, you
will survive.  I promise!


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