> On 16 Jan 2020, at 02:24, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <perl6-us...@perl.org> 
> wrote:
> Programming is only part of my business.  I am a
> consultant to small business.  I do EVERYTHING, although
> I draw the line at stringing wire.  Fortunately, I have
> guys that will string wire for me.

Apparently you also draw the line at creating documentation Pull Requests.  Or 
do anything that is outside of your comfort zone.  You think you have "guys" 
doing that for you.  People on this mailing list are not your "guys" that you 
can tell what they need to do.  And then get angry when they don't.

I wonder if this is how you treat your family as well.  If you do, then I feel 
sorry for your family.  And wouldn't be surprised if they abandoned you.  If 
you don't, could you please treat the people on this mailing list even a 
*little* more as your family?

> I mainly spending
> my time troubleshooting endless issues with Windows,
> for which I would not have a job.

This definitely explains your mindset with regards to solving issues.  I call 
that "magic programming".  You're only looking for incantations and are 
collecting them so that you can try them out one at a time when you're asked to 
solve problems.  You appear incapable of creating a mental model of how things 
work, and how a particular kind of feature will influence other features and 
behaviour.  And want the people on this mailing list to aid you with creating 
new incantations.

> So when folks crap all over me, I am not allowed to complain
> about it?  Have you ONCE caught me responding by calling
> anyone names

The dog issue comes to mind.

> or implying they were incompetent?  The
> worst I have said it that someone is acting the way they
> do because they don't like me.

You make it very hard to be liked.  And this kind of response doesn't help.

> No offense is intended.  I often see things differently
> than others.  This does not mean I am dissing anyone.
> If I do not understand something or I do not think
> other understand me, I will continue to state my
> case.  This is normal give and take.

No, this is *not* normal give and take.  This is lacking in self-reflection.  
This is about not asking *yourself* why things are the way they are.  This is 
always about external influences affecting *you*.  This is about taking and 
*not* giving.

> And, by the way, respect is a two way street.

No.  It is not.  You need to *earn* respect.  You are *not* earning respect 
with most of the people on this mailing list with your behaviour.  No matter 
how much "respect" you *think* you are giving them.

> Ya, I was a real idiot.

Again, a sign that you are the centre of the universe and that everybody us 
against you.

And this email will probably be responded by: I like you a lot and I will wear 
you down.  Again. *sigh*


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