On Fri, 21 Feb 2020 at 13:31, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <perl6-us...@perl.org <mailto:perl6-us...@perl.org>> wrote:

    $ perl6 -e 'say sqrt(2).base-repeating();'
    No such method 'base-repeating' for invocant of type 'Num'
        in block <unit> at -e line 1

On 2020-02-20 19:07, Norman Gaywood wrote:

perl6 -e 'say sqrt(2).Rat.base-repeating();'
(1.4 14213197969543147208121827411167512690355329949238578680203045685279187817258883248730964467005076)

Hi Norman,

Much better!

Question: Rat:

      Rat objects store rational numbers as a pair
      of a numerator and denominator. Number literals
      with a dot but without exponent produce Rats.

What does Rat do to sqrt(2) to give it a numerator
and a denominator?

And I see base-repeating wants to be fed a Rational:

Also I much prefer:
    $ perl6 -e 'say <1/7>.base-repeating();'
    (0. 142857)
    $ perl6 -e 'say (1/7).base-repeating();'
    (0. 142857)

As to me (1/7) means solve the equation and then
send it on.

Also, what is base-repeating telling me?  Where the
repeat is?  What the repeat is?

And what if I only want to see if a repeat occurs
in a single number, not a Rat/Rational?

$ perl6 -e 'say <0.9876123412341234/1>.base-repeating();'
(0.9876123412341234 )

I am doing something wrong.

Many thanks,

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