
> I like ruby and perl

so do I but raku is by far my prefered interpreted langage now.
I don't raku that much and most of the time, i read the doc more than i
actually write code but when it's writen, it's always elegant and
concise the way i never seen before.

> Maybe perl6 is still not production-ready?

Perl6 is now raku.

it depends: what do you mean by "production" and "ready"? start with
some few non-critical usecases and you'll see raku is production ready
enough for lot of things.

> but why so few open source projects which were developed by perl6?

wow ... interesting question. my cents on it:

* raku shines on interpreted langages when people are moving to compiled 
* raku is that rich it's hard to get it in a first view
* raku is still way too slow to be taken seriously by a large audience
* js or python developpers are legions on the market now so everyone
  choose this as an argument
* we need more packages on raku.land
* i really think technologies are massively adopted when they are
  packaged in main linux distros because lot of people don't want to
  bother compiling an interpreter or adding extra repos to do it.


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