Hi Todd,

Long time no see.

Re your 'keeper'. There is a reason why things are called the way they are in Raku (aka Perl6). BEGIN is NOT a special subroutine.

BEGIN is a phaser. And it introduces a block. Blocks are not subroutines (subs). Even though blocks and subs (and methods and callables) are code related things, a sub can take a signature, but a block cannot. You can pass arguments to a block using pointy syntax, eg -> $x, %y {  ... }, which is why it is possible to do things like 'for %some-hash.kv -> $key, $value { .... }'. The 'for' takes a block, which can be pointy. 'for' does not take a special subroutine.

But a sub can have a parameter list, eg., 'sub (Int $b where *>= 10) { say %b }; ' The 'where' bit means that the compiler will put in checks that $b is always greater-equal to 10. So subs are far far more than blocks.

Also you cannot return from a block, but you can return from a sub.

So, by putting in your keeper that BEGIN is a special subroutine, you are ignoring a whole world of Raku goodness, as well as making it difficult for yourself to understand other phasers.

And talking of phasers, there are some really useful ones, like FIRST and LAST, that are in loops. So if you want something to happen first time in a loop, put it in FIRST { }.

Also I see you are on the compile time whine again. When perl6 first became available as 'pugs', it did take FOREVER. Then as more of perl6 became implemented as rakudo, startup times became slower.

Things changed when modules were precompiled. I really do not understand what you are talking about when you say you don't think precompile is useful everywhere.

For example, when I write something that is called from the command line (for example in my raku-collection-raku-documentation distribution), I have a one-liner raku program 'RakuDoc' that just says 'use Collection::RakuDoc'.

EVERYTHING else is in the module Collection::RakuDoc, all the MAIN subroutines, and stuff. That then only gets compiled once. So, the first time RakuDoc is called from the command line, there is a startup delay because the whole module is compiled. Every other time RakuDoc is called, its really so fast I don't notice a problem. Only the *one* line is compiled each time the program is called. All the rest is in precompiled form.

Same with my Extractor program, which is in the raku-extraction module. This is a GUI program that takes the rakudoc (aka POD6) files and converts them into markdown. For example, I write the README's for my github repos as README.rakudoc, then use Extractor to turn it into a README.md. The result is far better because the rakudoc renderer I use (from my pod-render distribution) automatically collects all the headers and puts them into a Table of Contents. If you've tried to do a TOC in markdown, you know what a hassle it is.

But Extractor is a GTK::Simple program. And GTK::Simple takes forever to precompile. But once done, I don't notice any startup time.

And I change my software quite a lot, so every time I change something, yes, startup is slow the first time, but not the next time. Surely, you use a piece of software more than once.

Compared to the OLD days, rakudo programs react like lightning. Design your software properly, and you wont - as a human - notice much of a delay.

I think the startup complaint (not the compile time for something) has been effectively relegated to the days when rakudo was young. So whilst in the past I truly sympathised with your rants about compile times, I am now quite confused and I find sympathy hard to come by.

Since you continue for ever to complain about 'compile' time issues, rather than startup times, I wonder whether the programs you write are massive monolithic lines of code with thousands of lines, much like most standard software when FORTRAN or COBOL were the high level languages, or whether you design things to make each section more manageable.

If the programs you write to be run from the command line are thousands of lines long, then yes!! you will suffer!!! from long!!!! startup times because the program is re-compiled EVERY time. However, if you redesign the code, putting things into classes, roles, subroutines, and Raku-y goody things, you can push stuff into modules, and reduce your calling program to a single line.

When you change your software, do you change every part of it every time? Or do you change some client related interface part? Put the interface part into one module, and the other more stable functionality into other modules. Then when you change the interface part, you dont change the other modules. They have already been compiled. So the first time you start up your program, only the section you have changed gets recompiled, not the entire monolith.

By the way, I assume that you understand the Raku meaning of 'module', as opposed to a 'distribution'. When I write a large piece of software, I may have three or four different modules under the lib/ directory. The top level program (I try to make it one line only), uses one module, which then may use other modules, all of them in the same directory, under the lib/ subdirectory. The distribution can then also contain simple tests under t/ and development tests under xt/



On 30/08/2022 2:38 am, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 8/28/22 15:58, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,

I am thinking of using

    BEGIN {}

to fire up a splash screen (libnotify).

Question: is what happens between the brackets
isolated from the rest of the code?   If I set
variable values or declare variables, are they
wiped out, etc.?

Many thanks,

My keeper on BEGIN.  That you for all the help
and tips!

Perl6: BEGIN {}

BEGIN is a special subroutine that runs at compile time.
It will see any code above it, such as variables and
imported modules, but not below it.

The idea is to run something at the start of compile before
the rest of compile completes.  A splash screen for example.

Perl 6's compile can take a very long time and users may not
realize it started and restart it several times.

Note that a space is required between `BEGIN and the `{}`

   # Splash Screen

 ( my $ProgramName   = $?FILE ) ~~ s|.*"/"||;
   my Str $NotifyStr = "\nStarting $ProgramName\n";
   my Str $Icon      = "/home/linuxutil/Images/Info.png";
   my Str $Title     = "$ProgramName Splash Screen";
   my Str $Timeout   = "8";       # zenity = seconds

   # Note: zenity seems to not detach when run without a shell
   shell "zenity --info --title \"$Title\" --text \"$NotifyStr\" --width=220 --timeout=$Timeout &";

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