On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Uri Guttman wrote:

> >>>>> "BW" == Brian Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   BW> =item eqv tx, ty, tz *
>   BW> Bitwise Equivalence all bits in y with z and store the result in
>   BW> register x.
> that is just !(y xor z). we can provide the op but perl as we know it
> has no operator that will map to it. maybe another front end would want
> it so let's have it. it is trivial to code up and won't take any space.

        I feel very uncomfortable about speaking up in opposition to a
much more experienced person, but I'd like to register a vote against this
idea.  The whole reason that we're building Perl6 in the first place is
because there is a lot of nasty cruft in Perl5.  We are working towards
creating something clean and elegant; let's not start out by putting
things in just because they are "trivial to code" when we don't have a use
for them.

        In general, I would like to see the policy be "unless there is a
clear and demonstrated need, we don't do it."  Let's just make the engine
easy enough to change that, as we discover things we didn't know we
needed, we can go back and add them in later.

        Dave Storrs

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