>>>>> "John" == John Siracusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> HFS+ supports 255 character file names.  Yes, the (classic Mac OS) Finder is
John> hiding something from you, as are the rest of the classic Mac OS file access
John> APIs, which are limited to 32 characters and weren't updated when HFS+ was
John> introduced with Mac OS 8.1(?).  In Darwin and OS X on HFS+, feel free to:

John>     touch thisfilenameismuchlongerthanthirtytwocharactersanditworks

Ooh! cool.  I might need to reinstall darwin then.

John> (HFS and HFS+ are indeed case-insensitive though)

Which they *could* have fixed from the Unix side in the same way that
MachTen did it..., and I wish they would.  In MachTen, each
case-folded collision on the HFS+ side is handled by adding \0 bytes
until the names are distinct.  The finder has a bit of a mess renaming
them, but at least you can see them as separate files.  And no
collisions from the Unix side!

So, foo, Foo, and FOO would be stored as "foo" "Foo\0" and "FOO\0\0",

Is there anybody I can write at Apple to beg for this?

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
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