On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 05:43:58PM +0100, Sam Vilain wrote:
> > More, someone has mentioned the %x{$_}++ feature, which IMHO, MUST
> > continue to work.
> What is void plus one?

According to every Perl book I've ever read, 1. I've yet to run into someone
who finds that a difficult concept when the first hit it in one of my
classes. Take the example of the fairly common uniq function:

        require 5;
        sub uniq {
                my %tmp;
                my @ans;
                foreach my $e (@_) {
                        push @ans, $e unless $tmp{$e}++
                return @ans;

or the even more common:

        require 5;
        while(<>) {
                $words{$1}++ if /^(\w+)/;
        print map {"$_ found $words{$_} times\n"} sort keys %words;

> I think a pragma for this would be ideal.

A pragma that forces questionable strings to NaN in a numeric context
would seem fair. A pragma that gets back the old functionality would
just waste space in every program I write. That doesn't even
mention the command-line:

        perl -Mundef_zero -nle ...


Aaron Sherman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for GPG info. Fingerprint:
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  "Write your letters in the sand for the day I'll take your hand
   In the land that our grandchildren knew." -Queen/_'39_

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