Damian Conway:
# Larry revealed:
#    > :        method bar($me : *@_) {
#    > :                ...
#    > :        }
#    > :
#    > : will use $me instead.
#    >
#    > That is the approach I currently favor.  (Though I'd
# probably leave
#    > out the space in front of the colon.)  And it has the
# advantage that
#    > $me is automatically assumed to be read only.
# Okay, so let's clarify:
#       1. If you declare a method *with* a colon separator in
# its parameter
#          list:
#               method foo ($self: $foosrc, $foodest, $etc) {...}
#          then the parameter before the colon is bound to the invocant,
#          and the parameters after the colon are bound to the other
#          args of the method call.
#       2. If you declare a method *without* a colon separator in its
#          parameter list:
#               method foo ($foosrc, $foodest, $etc) {...}
#          then the parameters are bound to the non-invocant
#          args of the method call and the invocant itself is
#          inaccessible (except implicitly through the unary dot
#          operator).
#       3. If you declare a method *without* any parameter list:
#               method foo {...}
#          then the method call arguments (including the invocant?)
#          are bound to @_.

What about the case where you want method 'bar' to be called like C<<
$obj->bar($a, $b: $c, $d) >>?  It would seem unfair to ban the use of
colon on method calls, or to make you declare a self; perhaps:

        method bar($a, $b: $c, $d) {

That still leaves the case of C<< $obj->bar($a: $b, $c) >>.  Perhaps:

        method bar(: $a: $b, $c)

would work for that?

--Brent Dax
Configure pumpking for Perl 6

When I take action, I’m not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10
empty tent and hit a camel in the butt.

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