> >         class Demo {
   > >                 my $threshold is const = 100;
   > Hmm... is a "my const" the same as an "our const"?

No. 'my' is per-instance; 'our' is per-class.

   > If so, does this mean that there will be no such thing as a
   > C++-style const (constant per instance)?
   > I'm thinking something like:
   >    class Demo {
   >            my $id is immutable;
   >            method INIT ($demo_id is initializer ($id)) {}
   > "is initializer" is rather long, but you get the idea.

I'd do that like so (using Larry's preferred syntax):

        class Demo;

        my $.id is const;

        method INIT ($idval) { $.id := $idval }


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