In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          Michael L Maraist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> inlined c-functions.. Hmm, gcc has some support for this, but what about
> other archectures.. For function-inlining to work with GCC, you have to
> define the function in the header.. That's definately not portable.  I guess
> you're saying that the inlined functions would be the same .c file as it's
> being used.. Well, I thought these classes might span multiple files, making
> that rather difficult.

You only need to define it in the header if it needs to be visible
across more than one file - if it is only needed in the file that is
implrmenting the scalar class then it can be put there.

In fact many compilers will inline small static functions anyway
even without an explicit hint in the source.



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