On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Brent Dax wrote:
> Alex Gough:
> # I've managed to get parrot building and testing nicely on an os/2 box
> # (thanks to Nick Burch).  At the moment it needs gcc, make, bash and
> # dynaloading libraries installed on the system.
> #   $c{iv} = "long";
> #   $c{nv} = "double";
> #   $c{opcode_t}="long";
> Are these actually necessary?  Remember, other people may want different
> build configurations then you.

Amusingly, parrot doesn't build with the sizes that Configure wants it
to use (based on the binary perl dist available for os/2), I think
it wanted long long / long double / long long.  Trying this on my FreeBSD
box also results in explosion (from perl space, in pack templates).

I chose the hints because I know that those values work, if someone
wants to try something else, it's up to them to decide that, these are
only hints after all...  We can always change the hints later anyhow.

Alex Gough
use Quantum::Entanglement qw(:DEFAULT :complex);
$language = entangle(1,'python',1/i,'C',i*i,'Perl',1/i**2,'Java',i**5,'C#');
print "Just another $language hacker,\n" if $language eq 'Perl';

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