> This means, that either:
> a) parrot needs to bootstrap itself from some platform-dependent
>    bootstrap script.  (and hopefully there would only need to be a few
>    of these, bootstrap-unix.sh, bootstrap-windows.bat,
>    bootstrap-vms.dcl).  
> or 
> b) An external build tool that runs on all the target platforms (which
>    really means "all platforms" needs to be found.  Jam
>    (http://www.perforce.com/jam/jam.html) has been proposed as
>    possibly the best option in this case.
> or
> c) A hybrid, where an external build tool is used to bootstrap a
>    parrot/tinyperl6 based solution.

I vote for c.  The most difficult, yes, but also the most flexible.

> or
> d,e,f, and g) There are always other options.
> As I said above, I'm trying to trigger a discussion to build at least
> an initial direction that we want to aim for.  People are already
> running into porting issues with the existing system, and putting in
> workarounds - lets try and head that off before it's too late. 
> -R (either dropping a pin, or pulling it from the grenade.)
> -- 

$jhi++; # http://www.iki.fi/jhi/
        # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
        # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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