raptor writes:
: I was just reading this :
: http://www.javalobby.com/clr.html
: and a question raised to me. Will Parrot have some optimisation
: (features) that will speed up closures & continuation ?

Well, we understand closures pretty well already, since Perl 5 has
'em.  Most of the optimizations there are what you'd like to do for any
subroutine call.  There just happen to be references back to lexicals
outside your current scope, so it really depends a lot on whether your
GC model is efficient.

Continuations are more problematical, because they essentially have
references to their entire dynamic context, including the call stack.
But we'll need something like continuations if we're to generalize
pattern matching outside of regular expressions.  The current regex
engine does backtracking by recursing deeper when you think you're
returning from a nested () construct.

The more general alternative is to "fork" the call stack.  One obvious
optimization there is to do a virtual fork using copy-on-write
semantics.  I suspect COW is going to be important in Perl 6 on other
grounds as well, whenever we want to preserve the appearance of value
passing when we're actually doing reference passing.


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