Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Piers Cawley:
>> Well, no. Because Perl 6 is specified as behaving like perl 5 until
>> told different. Which means that the first translation you give would
>> be a syntax error. 
> Ouch. Guess I need to go reread A1. Anyway, that makes it easier - 
> then there needs to be no translation.
> Eh, doesn't that mean Damian's TPJ article is misleading?

Well, there's still going to be a desire to 'upgrade' to perl6
capabilities for scripts that need to be maintained. You do that by
sticking a C<module main> at the top and by fixing the syntax
errors. Which should be easy.

Then you get to refactor to more Perl6ish idioms if you want to.

>> If the second one were to become perl6ish, then you'd have to replace
>> $ENV{...} with %ENV{...} and $. might become $*STDIN.recordnum or
>> something.
> Oops.

Ah well. All the sorts of things that a convertor will likely be able
to catch.


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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