On Sat, 13 Apr 2002, Tom Hughes wrote:

# Well that is what perl 5 does certainly.
cool I didnt know that! (I've never pondered perl5 internals)

# decided not to do that in perl 6 though due to issues about what
# it meant to nul terminate in various different character sets.

# We can't assume that US-ASCII will be native everywhere though as
# some platforms may use some form of unicode as the native character
# set (and accept unicode arguments to systems calls).
Anyone know how the boys @bell-labs are doing this in plan9? to my
knowledge it is the only ground up unicode using system.  On that note I
think we need to get a plan9 box together to build on.  I will write a
letter requesting an account to use for parrot dev (however, being a
non-degree holding 24 year old hack, I might not get too far :) I'll try
regardless because I feel that it is an ideal place to work on
utf-8/unicode issues.  Anyone else have any ideas?


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