Piers Cawley writes:
: Andy Wardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: > Hang on, now I'm a little confused - I thought that hashes were supposed
: > to keep their % sigil.  So shouldn't that be %foo.keys or %foo.{keys}?
: > But then that would then violate the uniform access principle because
: > hash/key access has a different syntax from object/method?

%foo is just a typed reference varaible.  $foo works just about as well.

:     $foo = %hash; # Take a reference to %hash;

I'd say "Copy a reference", since I think of %hash as a reference already.

:     $foo.{keys}   # get the value keyed by 'keys' in the hash refered
:                   # to by $foo.
:     $bar = Object.new # Make an object
:     $bar.{keys}   # Get the value of $bar's '$.keys' instance
:                   # variable.

Mmm.  I think it always calls the virtual method, which might or might
not map directly to $.keys, depending on how fancy the accessors get.
If you want a particular type's method regardless of the actual type of
the object, you have to do as in Perl 5 and say


: I think that the '.' is optional in this case too...

Yes, as long as there's no whitespace before it.  I imagine some style
guides will require the dot for that reason.  I can just see some poor
schmuck walking out of a job interview because the company requires
dots on all hash subscripts.  :-)


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