On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 01:44:07PM -0400, Andy Dougherty wrote:
> because lib/Parrot/Makefile.PL contains 
>     WriteMakefile(
>       'NAME'              => 'Parrot::PakFile2',
>       'VERSION_FROM'      => 'PakFile2.pm', # finds $VERSION
> and PakFile2.pm says (among other things)
>     require 5.005_62;
>     use warnings;
>     our @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
> none of which will work with 5.005.
> Is it perhaps time to require 5.6.x?

It's probably a better idea not to use 5.6.x's h2xs to generate extensions.
5.8 has a flag to generate extensions that don't use any 5.6isms in their
boilerplate code, and (oddly enough) 5.005_03's h2xs doesn't generate any
5.6isms in the boilerplate code either :-)

Also, 5.6's h2xs generates buggy code for constant(), which is enough of a
reason to avoid for the general case of extension building.

I'm unconvinced that 5.6 offers any features over 5.005 that we really need
(5.005 introduces qr//) and it seems to me that we keep the barriers to
building parrot as low as practical, to encourage the most participation.
A greater number of OSes have perl >5.005 installed by default than >5.6

Nicholas Clark
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