I just read through A5 (wow, that's long), and I agree with most of it. 
Some of it's really cool. Here's what makes me uneasy: The fact that a 
grammar rule auto-captures into a variable of its name.

Is this efficient?  If I'm writing a syntax-directed translator, I usually 
don't need to capture the rules. The rules are run for their side-effects. 
I definitely see the win, but I see a lose in it too.  Seems like an awful 
lot of memory's going to be wasted if I'm matching a big file with one 

Is there a way to tell it I<not> to capture something from a grammar rule?
Should auto-capture really be default?  Is someone going to tell me "well, 
it's really not inefficient because ... optimizes ...."  That would 
relieve me greatly.

I am waiting eagerly for Exegesis 5 :)  This is fun stuff.


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