> For the record, you will hear no disagreement from me.  I recognize that
> this is a HARD problem.  Nonetheless, I think it's an important one, and
> solving it (even imperfectly, by only supporting well-defined platforms)
> would be a major coup.

I'd like to take that even further: just supporting Win32 binaries would be
a major coup.  Very few windows users can compile, but a much more
significant percent of Un*x users can.

A few more ways to address issues of multi-platform (my favorite is at the

- Divide and conquer: design the 6PAN so that individuals and small groups
can set up their own binary specific distribution sites.  One person might
decide to set up a Win32 distribution site, another a Mac distribution site.
They can all register on the central 6PAN server.  Users can then choose
which distributions they prefer in general.

- Unit testing: with binaries it becomes more imperative that downloaded
modules are rigourously tested.  Unit tests should be distributed with
modules, and download clients should have a way of saving errors and (if the
user givesd permission) sending them back to the developer.

- My favorite: don't do binaries.  With bytecode Pure Perl makes all the
more sense.  I'm not saying binaries should be prohibited, but the culture
should steer away from them.

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